- 2021ǯ57
[AJL] Weft insertion trouble Short pick long pick
Wear check around the solenoid pin Guide bush wear If it is worn, it will hinder the movement of the pin. At first glance, it may be judged that it is hindering, but if it cannot be judged, it is j […]
- 2021ǯ56
[AJL] Weft Insertion Trouble Short pick Long Pick
Check the distance between the solenoid pin and the measuring length band ¬ĹХ=measuring length band,Υɥԥsolenoid pin If the distance is too far Another volume of thread may come out before th […]
- 2021ǯ429
СƥץJAT810Ǥϥ֥Υ뤬ʤäƤޤä»뤳Ȥ¿Ǥ1߶ΤǤɤΤ褦ʾޤƤޤΤΤäƤޤ礦 եץ졼ȹ⤵㤤 ƥץ륫Сȥեץ졼Ȥι⤵ϴƱ֤ޤޤι⤵ϸ̩Ƥޤɸ䭤ȥե […]
- 2021ǯ423
[AJL] Weft breakage outside the woven fabric
Reduce rpm It is necessary to slow down the weft to alleviate the shock when the weft arrives.The most effective way to slow down the weft speed is to reduce rpm.Since the amount of air required de […]
- 2021ǯ419
[AJL] Weft breakage outside the woven fabric
Check the weft insertion angle and reaching angle A big shock occurs when the weft reaches the end. And the weft may break because it cannot withstand this shock. To reduce this shock, the weft spe […]