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Weaving technology

  • 2020年11月4日

Difference in AJL reed

Difference point The left side of the above figure is a side view of the reed used in a normal air jet loom. The right side of the above figure is the latest reed for Toyota Industries, which is calle […]

  • 2020年10月29日

Woven fabric suitable for each relaxation device

Function of positive relaxation device(Plain weave only) I mentioned the role of the relaxation device in a previous article, but each relaxation device has a suitable textile structure. Positive rela […]

  • 2020年10月26日

Weave width may change over time

When does weave width change? First of all, the things that change with time are temperature and humidity. If the temperature and humidity are not controlled, the temperature and humidity may differ b […]

  • 2020年10月15日

loom’s Reed angle

Angle Definition To adjust the loom, it is necessary to proceed based on the angle of the reed. The upper left of the above figure is expressed as an angle of 0 ° or 360 °. At this time, the reed come […]

  • 2020年10月12日

Function of positive relaxation device(Plain weave only)

Relationship between opening and relaxation device If there is no positive relaxation device Tension is applied to the string when it is opened, but the tension applied to the string is loosened when […]

  • 2020年10月8日

[AJL] Sub-nozzle form②

Many sub-nozzle form The figure above summarizes the process of improving the sub-nozzle. The ”テーパ孔” is the reverse taper sub-nozzle that was taken up last time. Placement and injection angle   From t […]

  • 2020年10月7日

[AJL] Sub-nozzle form①

Many sub-nozzle form sub-nozzle form is has changed significantly compared to the past and the present. Let’s look back on the sub nozzle form change history! ①Single hole sub-nozzle Sub-nozzle […]